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SRX4525500: GSM3325830: Col-0 endosperm 7 DAP rep 1; Arabidopsis thaliana; RNA-Seq
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina HiSeq 2500) run: 40.4M spots, 1.6G bases, 651.7Mb downloads

Submitted by: NCBI (GEO)
Study: A variably imprinted epiallele impacts seed development
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The contribution of epigenetic variation to phenotypic variation is unclear. Imprinted genes, because of their strong association with epigenetic modifications, represent an opportunity for the discovery of such phenomena. In mammals and flowering plants, a subset of genes are expressed from only one parental allele in a process called gene imprinting. Imprinting is associated with differential DNA methylation and chromatin modifications between parental alleles. In flowering plants imprinting occurs in endosperm seed tissue. Proper endosperm development is essential for the production of viable seeds. We previously showed that in Arabidopsis thaliana intraspecific imprinting variation is correlated with naturally occurring DNA methylation polymorphisms. Here, we investigated the mechanisms and function of allele-specific imprinting of the class IV homeodomain-Leucine zipper (HD-ZIP) transcription factor HDG3. In imprinted strains, HDG3 is expressed primarily from the methylated paternally inherited allele. We manipulated the methylation state of endogenous HDG3 in a non-imprinted strain and demonstrated that methylation of a proximal transposable element is sufficient to promote HDG3 expression and imprinting. Gain of HDG3 imprinting was associated with earlier endosperm cellularization. These results indicate that epigenetic variation alone is sufficient to explain imprinting variation and show that epialleles can underlie variation in seed development phenotypes. Overall design: Examination of gene expression by mRNA-Seq in Col-0, Col-0 x Cvi and hdg3-1 Col-0 mutant endosperm
Sample: Col-0 endosperm 7 DAP rep 1
SAMN09788181 • SRS3643506 • All experiments • All runs
Instrument: Illumina HiSeq 2500
Strategy: RNA-Seq
Selection: cDNA
Layout: SINGLE
Construction protocol: Seeds from crosses 7 days after pollination were dissected to isolate endosperm. RNA was isolated from endosperm using the Ambion RNAaqueous Micro Kit. RNA was treated with DNase and was submitted for library preparation at the Genome Technology Core of The Whitehead Institute. SMARTerUltra-lowPOLYA-V4
Experiment attributes:
GEO Accession: GSM3325830
Runs: 1 run, 40.4M spots, 1.6G bases, 651.7Mb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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